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Copyright Policy

We want you to have the most creative designs on your apparel, however MKC Threads is committed to the legal use of the intellectual property of others.

This policy establishes guidelines pertaining to order submissions through MKC Threads. All materials submitted including but not limited to, images, text, graphics, photographs, illustrations, designs, icons and other materials are compliant with the terms and conditions of this policy. By using our services, you have agreed that all materials submitted and used fall within the terms and conditions in this policy.

When using our services, we reserve the right to deny any submissions that contain copyrighted material, unless granted permission by the owner or trademark holder. The use of protected material without authorization violates copyright, trademark, intellectual property or other property rights of the third party.

By using our services and submitting designs, you assume full responsibility for all designs and are responsible for being compliant with this policy. The designs that are submitted are your designs and do not belong to a third party, unless given permission.

Obtaining written permission allows for the use of the protected material in your design. If you are unable to gain permission, we will work with you to create your design without the protected property. We are here to help you make a design that you will love.

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