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Embroidery Terminology


  • When a design is described as “all embroidery”, it only uses thread sewn onto the garment to produce the artwork, no patches are involved

  • Frequently used for detailed artwork, logos, lines of text and more

  • Gradients, shades, and blending is not recommended for embroidery. For best results, make sure designs have clear defined outlines and solid colors.


  • Also known as “applique” or “tackle twill.”

  • Sheets of fabric twill cut accordingly to the design.

  • Available in single layer or double layered designs.

  • Available in cross stitching or satin stitching (outline).

  • Commonly used for athletic/Greek organizations for personalization.

Single Layered Patches

  • A patch stitched on to the garment with no background layer.

Double Layered Patches

  • A background layer is sewn on to the garment first, then the top layer - creating a double layered effect.

  • This option is the most popular choice.

Cross Stitching (Patches)

  • Refers to the stitching securing the patch onto the garment, using a column of stitching spaced apart.

  • Most common and default option.

 Satin Stitching (Patches)
  • Refers to the stitching securing the patch onto the garment, using a very dense parallel column of stitching with no spacing in between.

  • Creates an eye catching outline around the patch(s).

Foreground Color (Patches)

  • This is the color of the topmost layer when looking at double layered patches

 Background Color (Patches) (point)
  • The border and bottom layer in a two layered patch design


  • The process of rendering an image or design into an embroidery file.

  • Using a layer of foam and satin stitching in the shape of the design; this technique creates a puffy and 3D look.

  • Commonly used on hats for a bold look.

Large Embroidery (across chest design)
  • Refers to embroidery under the letters and lower back embroideries. Typically embroideries more than 7 inches in width.

 Small Embroidery (left chest design)
  • Refers to embroidery on the hood, sleeves, left or right chest area, anything less than 6 inches in width.

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